Hello me again!

Well today has been an odd day to be honest! Haven't really done much caught up on 4 episodes of true blood been to my bro's for a coffee and a rant and bought an address book!

Yes that's right I made a plan to buy one then I went and bought one. Jude would be proud it's a Kath Kidston one I couldn't resist so preety!
That's been about it for today really. Not feeling very motivated so I've done very little. Going to attempt to have a better day tomorrow than I may have something of interest to write even going to do a little crafting and try to upload it on to here if I can work out how to do that. Otherwise will have to enlist my lovely sister in helping with that. 

Right I'm going so TTFN x


  1. Aha and another posting I'm loving this! Now you've bought the address book you need to head over at some point for a coffee!

    Now what are you going to get done today - get that kitchen table cleaned - come on get it done!

  2. Yay! My tasks for the day is clear my desk so I can actually see it. Do the ironing. Do some of my online class. Bake a cake (would have been my Mums birthday today so diet on hold as she was a cake fiend!)and... um... generally try to get moving :)
    See you tomorrow for progress report :P

  3. OK where's the next post? Came home expecting one!


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